Get The Word Out – And A Contest!

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We’re busy behind the scenes, making sure the Sacramento Book Festival is a great success, but we need your help with promotion to your readers.

The festival is still a few months away, but we want to raise the visibility to as many book lovers as we can between now and May 31st. Please help us get fliers out into the community and to any events you may be attending.

You can find all the promotional materials here:

If there’s anything you’d like that you don’t see (materials-wise), let Scott know at and we’ll see if we can make it.

We’re also running a special contest for our authors – take a flier to a local bookstore, coffee shop, or other community venue that will post it and/or give away copies, and then send us a photo of you and the posted flier. We’ll post it to our blog and social media, add a marker to our Get the Word Out map, and add you to our contest drawing for a free table at the 2026 festival!


We’d love to keep you updated with the latest news about the Sacramento Book Festival! 😎

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