Sacramento Book Festival
Sat. May 31st, 10 AM-4 PM
Shepard Garden & Arts Center

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In the spring of 2024, a few folks from the California Writers Club – Sacramento Branch got together with an idea to do something amazing – to bring a book festival to the greater Sacramento Valley. We held the first annual Sacramento Book Festival at the farmer’s market in McKinley Park in East Sacramento. We are currently planning for our second one as a stand-alone event from 10 AM-4 PM on May 31st, 2025 at the Shepard Garden and Arts Center at the northeastern end of McKinley Park.

Lots of Great Things Planned

We welcome all genres, and plan to have author booths, bookstores, and local writing organizations in attendance. We will also host readings and writer panels throughout the day, as well as a scavenger hunt and raffle, and will have food trucks on-hand to provide lunch and refreshments.

We’re featuring NY Times Bestselling author James Rollins, Catriona McPherson, Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson,
Bryan Patrick Avery, and many others.

Bring a Book for Mustard Seed School

We’re partnering with the Mustard Seed School for a children’s book drive – bring a new or gently used book (or buy one at the festival) to donate. They serve kindergarten through eighth grade, but are especially looking for books for new and younger readers.

Add us to your calendar now, and come enjoy a literary day with us at the new SBF!

Note: The SBF logo was created by the talented and amazing graphic designer Jeff Rochford.

Hosted by the California Writers Club, Sacramento Branch

California Writer's Club Sponsor

The California Writers Club (CWC), Sacramento Branch shall foster professionalism in writing, promote networking of writers with the writing community, mentor new writers, and provide literary support for writers and the writing community as is appropriate through education and leadership.

The club supports all genres, writing styles, and related professions such as editing, publishing, photographic journalism, and literary agents.

CWC Sacramento Branch will provide an environment where members can obtain critique of their efforts, attend workshops, and share experiences. CWC Sacramento Branch endeavors to mentor writers of all ages by providing educational programs for adults and fostering youth programs, including providing qualified speakers experienced in various writing-related disciplines at monthly membership meetings.

Our Sponsors

Thank you to all our wonderful sponsors for helping us put on this event. See our Sponsors Page here for more information.


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